Mobile Networks

Ensuring Trustworthiness of Mobile Networks

About the white paper

This white paper provides a detailed example of how HSMs provide a secure environment that protects Long-term Subscriber Keys and Home Network Keys against physical attacks

Take a closer look at:

  • How integral and indispensable mobile technology and communication continues its global reach into all aspects of consumers’ lives, as a never-ending technological advancement
  • Why both public as well as private networks need to have strong security controls in place across a wide range of industries including automotive (V2X), IoT in manufacturing, energy supply and banking and financial services
  • The development of 5G, the advantages over previous network generations and the introduction to additional use cases that necessitate ongoing security considerations
  • The evolution of security functions in mobile networks, as well as the reasons why Authentication and the Key Agreement (AKA) protocol were introduced to mitigate security issues
  • Securing communication in today’s 5G systems - the requirement for mobile networks to provide secure communication for data transmitted between all devices, including all signaling information in 5G systems
  • Ensuring the privacy of Subscriber Identities in 5G mobile networks - protecting the information that can be used to identify and track the subscriber and how, with the introduction of 5G, vast improvements have been made in comparison to previous network generations

Find out why only HSMs provide a secure environment that protects long-term subscriber keys and Home Network keys against physical attacks.


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