Passports and ID Cards with RFC (Radio Frequency Chip) technology provide higher forgery protection and the capability for quicker reconciliation of the data in the bearer’s official document.
To ensure the security and integrity of a citizen’s data before, during and following their use, reliable protection based on cryptographic keys is a necessary requirement for the issuing authority in order to produce the identity document.
Transferred to the RFC of the ID card or passport, the data is signed by using digital certificates that are stored in the RFC. These certificates are securely generated based on public and private cryptographic key pairs and are stored in the RFC. The authenticity of this signature can easily be verified by using Passive Authentication, a process in which the identity of the user is checked and confirmed based on the authenticity and validity of the root certificate used to sign the data.
In order to facilitate the issuance of digital ID cards and passports UTIMACO provides reliable solutions for secure data encryption and generation of digital certificates that meet compliance standards.