Survey: How Trust Works in a Digital World 2022

Trust is at the center of our digital society, and as a company that creates that trust, Utimaco is uniquely placed to offer insight into how people relate to the digital services in their lives.

“Circles of Trust: How the UK Public Perceives Digital Risk” presents the results of a survey conducted in the United Kingdom. It shows significant differences across regions and generations when it comes to trusting the public and private sectors with regard to digital safety. The Whitepaper uncovers how internet users in the UK perceive safety in the digital ecosystem and in industries such as automotive, healthcare and the government and public sectors, and compares it with trust levels in Germany and Spain.



  • The report finds a central paradox at the heart of an increasingly online society: the majority of people are very enthusiastic about digital services but also deeply concerned about their safety when using them.
  • One of the key findings is that 70% of surveyed respondents, representing internet users from across the UK, either worry a lot or a little about their security when using digital services. Only 10% don’t worry at all.
  • 63% of respondents said that given the choice they would use digital services to access healthcare when possible, and 46% consider the information that they send to their healthcare provider to be secure, a far higher level of confidence than most people had in digital security in general.

...Plus much more.

Here you can find an infographic with the key findings from the study in Germany

Here you can find an infographic with the key findings from the study in Spain



YouGov surveyed a total of 3,039 people in Germany (1,012), Spain (1,009) and the United Kingdom (1,018) on behalf of Utimaco between March 21 and March 25, 2022. The results were weighted and are representative for the population aged 18 and over.

A Secure Digital World

A Secure Digital World with Utimaco

A graphic presenting Utimaco security solutions

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