The lottery and gambling industry has shifted into the online world and is now just a few clicks away. That's why online company providers need reliable and secure onboarding processes that take place digitally.
Within the digital customer ‘account opening’ onboarding process, players need to provide personal and sensitive information. This includes personal identifiable information and payment data such as home address and contact details, including card payment data. Moving forwards, and as the account is actively used, behavioral insights and analytics will also form part of the data that is captured and analyzed.
Like other organizations, online casino and lottery providers need to comply with GDPR and other data protection laws. In addition, they have a requirement to fulfill anti-money laundering regulations such as the Bank Secrecy Act.
To ensure the protection of players’ data and authenticate users there is a high need for cybersecurity solutions in the market. UTIMACO provides various applications for the purpose of securing sensitive data in every stage and location of the players’ journey.